Tag: Cabbagetown

Cabbagetown Firsts

May 27 – October 1, 2017. It is time for the Cabbagetown wrap-up blog. In case you have just started following along or have just been skipping the yearly blog or two about Cabbagetown, here is the deal – Cabbagetown…

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Cabbagetown by the Numbers

Summer 2016. OK – so this blog was supposed to just be a couple of weeks late and now here it is some 3 plus months late. This year I am employing a blog format I stole from a friend…

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Life on the Dirt Wrap Up 2015

May 7 – Oct. 12 Three pairs of eyes were staring at me. This was the routine. Gus had been doing it the longest, all the way back to when he and the pretty woman lived alone. Then she brought…

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A Day in the Life

May 2015. It’s week four of hand-painting Jennifer’s house. Our buddy, Paul, drummed up work all spring. He and I have already bid on a few more painting jobs. We’ve even invested in a power washer and a paint sprayer….

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Painting Bertha’s House

May 31 – June 20, 2015 – Cabbagetown. The incline was steep, very steep. A few of us craned our necks upward and contemplated the problem of the ascent before us. Oh yeah… it was awful steep. We decided to…

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Sleeping around Cabbagetown

May 23 – October 12, 2014. It’s moving day. I get up and feed the dogs and take them on their morning walk. Greg feeds the chickens and lets them range a bit in the yard. We wash our clothes…

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Working around Cabbagetown

May 24,2014 – October 11, 2014. “Call.” “Bruce.” “Junk.” No, Donald the Plumber isn’t speaking to me. He stands behind me, in the middle of Savannah Street, telling his phone to ring up Bruce. “Bruce? I’ve got a water heater…

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Van Party, Alright!

September 20-21, 2014. My main motivation for getting The Great A’Tuin back to Cabbagetown from our arduous trip through middle Georgia was to get the van to a safe place where repairs could be made. My second, much lesser motivation,…

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2013 Summer in Cabbagetown

Oh no, I’ve lost a chicken! It’s our first house sitting gig of the summer and Peter and Tova and the girls will be back from Italy in two weeks and they’ll be short one egg-laying hen. Where is she?!?…

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Homesick, Homeless, Home

Earlier this year, during our first trip to the Bahamas, I found it a little hard to adjust to life on the boat. When we would watch TV episodes on DVD in the evening, I would devour the details as…

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