Year: 2020

The Grand Valley

October 15 – 23, 2020. We headed south after our visit to Dinosaur National Monument. The cold was catching up with us once again and we had a list of things to do. Grocery shopping, laundry, blog posts to write,…

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Dinosaur National Monument

October 6 – 10, 2020 After three years we were in the right part of the country with the right weather and finally got our chance to visit Dinosaur National Monument. Actually, I had already visited the monument some 32…

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November 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

We spent all of the month of November in the Tucson, AZ area and the majority of that time was spent house sitting – living in a real house with real running water, real heat, a real oven, real rooms,…

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October 3 – 4, 2020. We were on our way to look at some fossils in Utah and Colorado but then after consulting the map we realized there were lots of fossils along the way. We decided to make it…

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The Black Hills

September 26 – October 2, 2020. South Dakota never shut down due to the pandemic so when we got to Mount Rushmore the first thing we saw was a bulletin board listing ranger talks. Ranger Talks! We love ranger talks…

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The Enchanted Highway

September 24, 2020. What does one do when they return to their hometown to find it in economic decline? Fire up the tractor and start flattening oil well tanks. OK, this might not be what everyone would do but it…

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Theodore Roosevelt National Park

September 18 – 23, 2020. I had never heard about Theodore Roosevelt National Park until this past winter. We were in Southern California at the time and North Dakota where the park is located seemed so far away. Never-the-less I…

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October 2020 Cost of Being a Nomad

Our main motivation for traveling in October was keeping warm. We got waylaid in Rapid City, South Dakota waiting for some merchandise I ordered through Lowes to arrive. When we finally got on the road again the cold started closing…

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Upper Missouri River Breaks NM

August 24 – September 3, 2020. When we first got to Montana in July I immediately started looking for places to visit and things to do in “Big Sky Country.” I opened up Google Maps and found a big green…

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Corps of Discovery on the Missouri River

We love paddling. From rowing our dinghy Fever in the Bahamas to kayaking in our inflatable, Pirogue Bleue, we’ve paddled a lot. We’ve even paddled against the current of the Missouri River… for about ten minutes. We got tired of…

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