Tag: House Sitting

Nomad Life & Expenses January & February 2024

The start of a month of house sits We rang in the New Year in Mexico City, mostly recovered but still feeling the effects of whatever bug we had caught. Three days later on  January 3, we flew back to…

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Nomad Life Aug, Sept, & Oct 2023

On August 14 of last year, Greg’s father, Perry, had a stroke. We were in Cabbagetown (Atlanta) at the time house sitting for friends. After Greg got the call, we made a quick trip to the grocery store, and then…

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Nomad Life & Expenses July 2023

In July we finally landed at our first house sit of the summer in Cabbagetown. After a month of driving and visiting friends and family in June and visiting more friends and family during the first week of July, we…

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Nomad Life & Expenses November 2022

We spent almost the whole month of November in Austin, Texas house-sitting. I needed some more time to continue to catch up on the blog before we started really traveling again. We also had a few van projects and needed…

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Nomad Life & Expenses October 2022

October was filled with friends, family, and a few costumes! I started out the month house-sitting for Jasmine by myself in Cabbagetown while Greg drove Ballena Blanca to North Carolina to see his parents. While in North Carolina Greg managed…

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Cabbagetown Pets 2019

This was our eighth summer house sitting. We were completely booked up before we got back to Cabbagetown this past June and we had just one small 3 day gap in our schedule in 4 months. The sits were longer…

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May & June 2018 By The Numbers

May – June 2018. As a way to keep up with the blog over the summer when we aren’t traveling and working hard to make money for more travels, I am going to start doing a regular (hopefully) numbers post…

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