November 18 – December 24, 2017.
Saturday was The 60s night with groovy round sunglasses, glow ring necklaces and bracelets, food, beer, and a Beatles cover band. Sunday was a lay day. Monday was Country night with cowboy hats, sheriff stars, bandanas, food, beer, and a Country and Western band. Tuesday was a lay day – but that was fine because its always Taco Tuesday at JRs. Wednesday was dinghy races during the afternoon, and a wine tasting, food, beer, and the band everyone liked from last year in the evening. And, finally, Thursday was the holiday we had been building up to, Thanksgiving, with, of course, more food and drink.
The fourth week of November is a big deal at Indiantown Marina. Hurricane season is almost over, the marina is full of people, most of whom have been working hard on their boats for months or weeks getting ready for the sailing season. And then the parties happen, a week long affair thrown by marina owner, Scott, and the amazing marina staff.
It is no small deal. The week before the start of the event the staff starts working overtime sprucing the place up, doing extra landscaping, sweeping the parking lot, and erecting a huge tent. And then, for 4 nights we were pampered and catered to, transformed from grotty yachties to honored guests. It was kinda weird.
Although we have been working at the marina during Thanksgiving in the past, we have usually not been living at the marina and have not been able to attended all the festivities. This year, not only were we living there the whole week, we had been there long enough that we had a burgeoning little posse to hang with.
Probably the most fun we had was the Poker Run. You might be familiar with a motorcycle Poker Run usually done for charity – bikers ride from place to place picking up playing cards and at the last stop, who ever has the best poker hand wins. The Indiantown Poker Run was similar, except there was no charity and we rowed (or motored) in our dinghies around the marina picking up cards. There were 3 prizes. Greg and I got second! A $50 gift certificate to the marina.
The marina sponsored one more party the day before Christmas. It was much more laid back, comfortable afternoon affair with food, beer, entertainment provided by the burgeoning grotty yachty marina band who were calling themselves Train Wreck, and lots of good friends.
* All pics are click to enlarge.

This all seems so long ago! I just saw my cowgirl hat in the v-berth this morning. Brings back memories 🙂
It was so long ago – but we are getting caught up! I left my cowboy hat on the boat – it is too big for the van, but I brought my cowboy bandana and round hippy glasses.