In my earlier post I said that about half the cost of WVO conversion kit (from a company like Frybrid or GreaseCar) is for delivering heated fuel to the engine compartment. I’ve come up with an approach that’s much cheaper. I can’t really test it, though, until I complete the whole conversion process. I need to paint another house before I can spend that kind of money.
My approach differs from the “kit” system in several ways. Way one: instead of having a large 10-15 gallon tank, mine is 5 gallons. Way two: since my tank is near the engine I won’t be using a kit’s special heated fuel lines. Way three: since my fuel source is above the engine I will try using gravity instead of a fuel pump (I can always add a pump later if this doesn’t work).
Way four. Did you know that most diesel is not burned on the first pass? I didn’t. I’ve learned that most fuel is returned to the tank and cycled through again. So a “kit” system mimics this process for the oil, and uses a specially heated return line to the tank. I plan to bypass this this step and divert the unburned WVO right back into the system.
Check out the pics. And be sure to let me know if there’s something I’m missing. Oh, I’m working on a diagram that will help explain all this better. Will post when it’s ready.

You guys are amazing!
Diesels are known for vibrating fairly hard so be sure *all* the pipes and hoses are well cushioned/wrapped/isolated.
I would also recommend you plumb that blow-off valve to somewhere outside. If it were to ever be needed it would make a huge mess.
Thanks Ed, will do. The air vent, blow-off valve, and tank drain all go to that leftmost black line going through the hole in the engine compartment. It will drain out under the engine. Hoping that blow-off valve is overkill for oil. It did release some steam when I tested with water.
What kind of pressure is the returning WVO at coming back from the engine? Are your hoses/pipes/tank strong enough for that?
Good question. It must be light pressure on the return from the injectors based on the small hoses there. From the injector pump itself I will match what’s in place now. Thanks!